
Do Sea Days during the license grace period count?

Sea days during the 6 year grace period do count for MMC renewal. Submit your application early to avoid work interruptions.

2 mins read・Apr 26, 2024
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Yes. The Coast Guard looks at your documented Sea Days within the last 5 years based on when the application is submitted.

Yacht anchored near the shore, illustrating sea days during the grace period on license renewal.

For example: Let's say you had 355 sea days when your MMC expired, and they all happened in the previous 2 years. During the grace period, (6 years from when your license expired) you spend time on a small boat and acquire 10 more Sea Days. Now when you submit your renewal application, you will have 365 Sea Days in the last five years.

Important Note: Once your MMC reaches the expiration date, you are no longer allowed to work under its endorsements. The 6 year grace period simply allows you to renew your credentials, rather than reapplying.

Your best option is to submit your renewal application early to avoid any interruptions at work.

Read our guide: What to Do When My USCG License is Expiring Soon to stay ahead of things.

Do I need 360 days to renew my MMC license?

No. If you have less than 360 days in the last 5 years, renewing your USCG National endorsements is as simple as an open book take home test for each endorsement!

Check out this post to get more detail if you have fewer than 360 days at the time for renewal:

What do I need to renew my USCG Captains License with less than 360 days

Devices showing MM-SEAS platform for managing USCG MMC renewal, upgrades, applications, and sea service records.

We hope this made your life a little easier and if you have other questions the MM-SEAS team is always here to help!

MM-SEAS is free to use on your own and if you need some more personalized help you can upgrade to MM-SEAS Pro inside of the site.

No matter what, when you are ready to submit your application, you can choose to have the MM-SEAS staff create a perfect application, handle the USCG application fees and work with the USCG on your behalf to resolve any issues for a flat fee of $349 or you can choose to submit on your own.

Pro MM-SEAS members get access to unlimited live 1 on 1 calls with one of our USCG Licensing Specialists. We've found that answering questions live with screen sharing in a video call makes both of our lives easier. Pro MM-SEAS members can access these features inside of MM-SEAS under License Guidance.

Need to renew, upgrade or get your first USCG license? We're here to help.

No matter if it is your first MMC, your second Upgrade or your fifth Renewal USCG Licensing is easy with MM-SEAS.
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About the author

Nate Gilman
Nate Gilman

Nate has over 15 years of professional maritime experience and has hawsepiped his way to a 3rd Mate Unlimited Endorsement with full STCW compliance. He is proud veteran of the NOAA Commissioned Corps.

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